Kati Avramova


str. "Akademik Georgi Bonchev" 11, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria

Contact Information

Call: (+359 2) 979-2552

Email: kavramova@ipc.bas.bg

Kati Avramova


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry

  • Н index (according to Scopus or Web of Science): 3
  • Total number of scientific publications: 11
  • From them with impact factor or impact rang: 10
  • Number of citations of the scientific publications: 62
  • Number of scientific publications in the last five years: 2
  • From them with impact factor or impact rang: 2
  • Number of citations of the scientific publications in the last five years: 24


  1. 2013


    Institute of Physical Chemistry-BAS
  2. 1997


    SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Academic positions in the last five years

  1. Chemist
    Institute of Physical Chemistry-BAS