• Project H19/7
    “Theory and application of sinter-crystallization”
    (National Science Fund of Bulgaria)

  • Project H19/7
    “Theory and application of sinter-crystallization”
    (National Science Fund of Bulgaria)

    Work Packages
  • Project H19/7
    “Theory and application of sinter-crystallization”
    (National Science Fund of Bulgaria)


Abstract of the project

The sinter-crystallization of glass powders or grains is an alternative technique for manufacture of glass-ceramics. At this method the densification and the phase formation occur simultaneously and take place in the same temperature range. As a result, the information for the relationship between these two processes is fundamental for understanding and control of the synthesis.
The main aim of this project is to create a common theory, explaining the various cases of sinter-crystallization, which is based on the crystallization ability of parent glasses and on the size of used fraction.

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Sintering and foaming of glass-ceramic foam with high temperature microscopy

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Publications and lectures

Stress-induced Pore Formation and Phase Selection in a Crystallizing Stretched Glass

Fokin V.M., Karamanov A., Abyzov A. S., Schmelzer J. W. P. and Zanotto E. D.

Viscous phase silicate processing

Müller, R., Reinsch, S.

Induced crystallization porosity and properties of sintered diopside and wollastonite glass-ceramics

Karamanov, A. and Pelino, M.
Prof. Alexander Karamanov

Contact Information

Call: (+359 2) 979-2565 / 2552

Email: karama@ipc.bas.bg

Prof. Alexander Karamanov

Prof., PhD


Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Rostislaw Kaischew Institute of Physical Chemistry
Department of Phase Formation, Crystalline and Amorphous Materials

  • Н index (according to Scopus or Web of Science): 19
  • Total number of scientific publications: 125
  • From them with impact factor or impact rang: 56
  • Number of citations of the scientific publications: more than 1500
  • Number of scientific publications in the last five years: 22
  • From them with impact factor or impact rang: 16
  • Number of citations of the scientific publications in the last five years: more than 800
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Georgiev

Assoc. Prof. Ivan Georgiev

Assoc. Prof., PhD

Call: (+359 2) 972-2915

Email: ivan.georgiev@parallel.bas.bg

Assoc. Prof. Georgi Avdeev

Assoc. Prof. Georgi Avdeev

Assoc. Prof., PhD

Call: (+359 2) 979-2534

Email: g_avdeev@ipc.bas.bg

Assoc. Prof. Dragomir Tatchev

Assoc. Prof. Dragomir Tatchev

Assoc. Prof., PhD

Call: (+359 2) 979-2570

Email: dtachev@ipc.bas.bg

Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Ranguelov

Assoc. Prof. Bogdan Ranguelov

Assoc. Prof., PhD

Call: (+359 2) 979-2533

Email: rangelov@ipc.bas.bg